Your research iceberg proposes 14 sequences for a total length of approximatively 124 minutes
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Glacial cliffsBase Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica
The former Astrolabe ship stopped by the ice floeBase Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica
Icy landscape appears through the cloudsAdelie Land, Antarctica
On board of the AstrolabeAntarctica, Antarctica
Iceberg close to McMurdoMcMurdo Area, Antarctica
Landing on the Astrolabe icebreakerAntarctica
Icebreaker l'Astrolabe in the ice packAntarctica, Antarctica
Loading of the French Navy polar patrol and supply icebreaker l'Astrolabe before a trip to AntarcticaHobart, Australia
The French Navy icebreaker l'Astrolabe in HobartHobart, Australia