France Aerial Footage
Large collection of aerial footage from all over France, Paris, Countryside, big cities, mountains, industries...
Large collection of aerial footage from all over France, Paris, Countryside, big cities, mountains, industries...
In our collection, some of the most beautiful monuments and great landscapes listed as World Heritage by UNESCO
Videos of unbreathable cities, preserved natural parks...
Typhoon, Giant Waves, Dream Beaches, Boats
Footage of scientific stations and frozen landscapes
Aerialcollection is a aerial image bank that offers in the form of long sequences of rushes, perfect for editors, thousands of hours of aerial images by helicopter and drone.
Why organize a long, costly, energy-consuming shooting, when we may have the rushes you need in stock?
Are you looking for specific locations or themes?
Would you like personalized advice or help with the selection?
Do not hesitate to contact us.
We also enrich our collections very regularly.
Photos extracted from our videos: depending on the shooting format, we can extract excellent quality still images for the press or publishing.
Do you prefer to shoot?
We organize with our partner Papa Sierra all year round aerial filming on demand all over the world.
Discover our own resources based in Paris, 6 stabilized Cineflex-GSS 4K systems, 1 Cineflex-GSS 8K system, multiple HD systems and choice of TV and Cinema lenses on Papa Sierra website dedicated to aerial filming,