Your research Mines proposes 93 sequences for a total length of approximatively 704 minutes
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The City and mountainsPotosi, Bolivia
The city build on the slopes of Cero Rico de PotosiPotosi, Bolivia
The city on the mountain slopesPotosi, Bolivia
Cemetery and abandoned miners districtPulacayo, Bolivia
CemeteryPulacayo, Bolivia
Open sky mineBolivia
The great open sky San Cristobal MinePotosi, Bolivia
Silver mines, miners and city in the backgroundPotosi, Bolivia
Flight over the city, the mine in the backgroundPotosi, Bolivia
The city and overlooking silver minesPotosi, Bolivia
Salt camel caravans on lake Assaldésert Danakil,dépression des Afars, Ethiopia
Tough salt extraction on Lake Assaldésert Danakil,dépression des Afars, Ethiopia
Tiresome salt extraction on Assal Lakedésert Danakil,dépression des Afars, Ethiopia
Seashore,mountains and villagesBastia, France
Precious stones open sky minesIlakaka, Madagascar
Children swimming in polluted watersIlakaka, Madagascar
Ilakaka saphir minesIlakaka, Madagascar
Children games in the yellow mine sites watersIlakaka, Madagascar
Approching the island of NauruOceania, Nauru
Shore, beaches, supermarket and solar powerOceania, Nauru
Shore and Mennen HotelOceania, Nauru
Phosphate miningOceania, Nauru
FairOceania, Nauru
Shore and beachesOceania, Nauru
Shore and beaches, roof top supermarket covered with solar panelsOceania, Nauru
Vertical shots of interior of island and coastlineOceania, Nauru
The beach with large coral pinnaclesOceania, Nauru
The plateau and the intricate coral pinnacle field, remains of the phosphate extractionOceania, Nauru
The "lagoon" and the forestOceania, Nauru
Old phosphate loading cantileversOceania, Nauru
Pyramiden area viewPyramiden, Norway
General view of Pyramiden areaPyramiden, Norway
Abandoned Russian mining site of PyramidenPyramiden, Norway
Close shots of Pyramiden abandoned buildingsPyramiden, Norway
Pyramiden cemeteryPyramiden, Norway
The Russian mining city of BarentsburgSpitzberg, Norway
Northern SiberiaNorilsk, Russia
The northernmost industrial cityNorilsk, Russia
The beauty of extreme pollutionNorilsk, Russia
Workers district and polluted atmosphereNorilsk, Russia
Smoking Chimneys, extreme pollution, ray of lightsNorilsk, Russia
Smoke, pollution over the cityNorilsk, Russia
Open pit mineNorilsk, Russia
Norilsk surroundingsNorilsk, Russia
Smoke from the tailings PondNorilsk, Russia
Pipelines between Norilsk and DoudinkaNorilsk, Russia
Icebreaker on river IenisseiNorilsk, Russia
Views of the cityNorilsk, Russia
The railway linking Norilsk to Doudinka harborNorilsk, Russia
Abandonned buildings and open pit mineNorilsk, Russia