Your research : Tasmanie

proposes 5 sequences for a total length of approximatively 45 minutes

Le brise-glace l'Astrolabe en mer au large de la Tasmanie 8min 02s 4K
Le brise-glace l'Astrolabe en mer au large de la Tasmanie
  • Mer de Tasman, Tasmanie

Loading of the French Navy polar patrol and supply icebreaker l'Astrolabe before a trip to Antarctica 11min 48s 4K
Loading of the French Navy polar patrol and supply icebreaker l'Astrolabe before a trip to Antarctica
  • Hobart, Australia

Loading of the French Navy polar patrol and supply icebreaker l'Astrolabe before a trip to Antarctica 8min 36s 4K
Loading of the French Navy polar patrol and supply icebreaker l'Astrolabe before a trip to Antarctica
  • Hobart, Australia

Loading of the French Navy polar patrol and supply icebreaker l'Astrolabe before a trip to Antarctica 11min 19s 4K
Loading of the French Navy polar patrol and supply icebreaker l'Astrolabe before a trip to Antarctica
  • Hobart, Australia

The French Navy icebreaker l'Astrolabe in Hobart 5min 36s 4K
The French Navy icebreaker l'Astrolabe in Hobart
  • Hobart, Australia