Yann Arthus-Bertrand Collection

Algeria from Above

Algeria From Above is the first documentary introducing the country totally from above. Arthus-Bertrand's eye and co-director Yazid Tizi enable us to to discover this spectacular country embracing exceptional cultural and natural riches. From North to South, from West to East the directors show us people's daily life, wether in the busy coastal cities, among the Atlas mountains, in the Sahara's oasis or on the pleasant hills of Sahel. All civilisations seem to have crossed paths on its ground, and on this territory where all natural environments are found, Algeria is revealed in all its diversity and unity. Yann gives free reins to his fascination for shapes, colors, faces and human marks to give us an exceptional portrait of the greatest country in Africa and of the Mediterranean area.

Hope Production
Directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Yazid Tizi
In partnership with the AARC, the support of the ministère de la Culture, FDATIC, Calt Production and France Télévisions.

  Voir les rushes tournés pour ce film

Since more than 10 years, the director and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand is flying over the globe to find the best aerial images.
Environmental activist, successful photographer, its movies tell the magnificent human and natural diversity of the world.
Papa Sierra is its partner for aerial video recording and distribution.