Yann Arthus-Bertrand Collection

Climate Change in Bangladesh

Movie directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Anastasia Mikova, shown during the COP 21 on behalf of Friendship NGO. It is the greatest delta in the world... And also a country. Its name is Bangladesh. About three hundred waterways cross the country, define its geography and its people's way of life. Thus 160 million inhabitants of this country, among the poorest and the most densely populated in the world, learned how to live in the midst of water and how to adapt to its eccentricities. Here, it remains the main resource for everyone, and 70% of the Bangladeshis depend on it for fishing of agriculture.

In partnership with Fondation Engie, RMC Découverte and HOPE.

  Voir les rushes tournés pour ce film

Since more than 10 years, the director and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand is flying over the globe to find the best aerial images.
Environmental activist, successful photographer, its movies tell the magnificent human and natural diversity of the world.
Papa Sierra is its partner for aerial video recording and distribution.