Yann Arthus-Bertrand Collection


HUMAN movie tells us about the beauty of the world through exclusive aerial images and its inhabitants portraits, through appealing and deeply moving testimonies. Three working years and more than 90 shootings have resulted in this unique documentary, displaying man and women testimonies from all countries, facing the camera. The editing displayed here pays tribute to the musicians and composer Armand Amar, as well as to the film directors who created these images. We distribute HUMAN movie aerial images. The original Armand Amar music is available online and in stores.

In partnership with Fondation Bettencourt-Shueller and Fondation GoodPlanet.

  Voir les rushes tournés pour ce film

Since more than 10 years, the director and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand is flying over the globe to find the best aerial images.
Environmental activist, successful photographer, its movies tell the magnificent human and natural diversity of the world.
Papa Sierra is its partner for aerial video recording and distribution.