Pursuant to article 6III 1b) of the French law n°2004-575 of June the 21st 2004, modified by the law n°2006-64 of January 23rd 2006, the information of the Site's publisher is the following:
Papa Sierra, SARL, registered at the Paris Company Register under number B 391 460 862, with headquarters at Paris Heliport, 61 rue Henry Farman, 75015, Paris represented by Frédéric Spriet.
Phone: 01 46 10 05 30
Email: info@papasierra.fr
Publishing director: Frédéric Spriet
Hosting service provider: IONOS SARL 7, place de la Gare, BP 70109, 57200 Sarreguemines Cedex, 431 303 775 RCS Sarreguemines, tél. : 0970 808 911, info@IONOS.fr
Site has been conceived and realized by Bruno Cusa and Dominique Martigne
Icons Credits: The Noun Project (Creative Stall, Thomas Helbig, Gregor Cresnar, Adrien Coquet)
The Legal Notice defines all the rules which are applicable to any consultation of the Aerial Collection Internet site.
The Aerial Collection website content information relative to Papa Sierra services and promotional actions.
Any information provided on this website is only given as an example.
The information contained on the present website pertaining to services offered by Papa Sierra in no way constitutes a binding proposal or offer of services to the visitor.
Even though Papa Sierra try - by all relevant means that might reasonably be expected from them - to ensure that all information in this website are correct. Their preciseness cannot be warrantied and Papa Sierra declines all responsibilities regarding their preciseness.
The site in its entirety including all information are only provided as indicative information without any warranty.
For further information please have a look to our Terms of Use and Sale.