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Maredsar beach, rock formations, near the village of El Jebeha

Région Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma Tétouan Morocco

Collection Yann Arthus-Bertrand

compulsory mention in the credits :
Hope Production / Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Aerialcollection

Format : 4K UHD (R3D 4800x2700)

Reference : MA1607-HP005471

Keywords : Africa North Africa North Africa Al Hoceima Atlas Morrocan Atlas High Atlas Maghreb Morocco Martil Mediterranean Oued Laou Tangier Tétouan africain arabe genuine Berber countryside civilisation islamique culture coast Islam kasbah seaside sea monde arabe monde musulman mountain méditerranéen beach fishing wild tourism tourist touristic traditional verdurous village vegetation