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elephants, buffalos in damp savanna

Parc National de l'Okavango Lynianti Botswana

Collection Yann Arthus-Bertrand

compulsory mention in the credits :
Hope Production / Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Aerialcollection

Format : HD 1920x1080

Reference : BW1508-TER002890

Keywords : buffalo hut water craft forest house bird population fisherman vegetation Africa Caprivi UNESCO African tree aerial bath mist mist endangered species fauna African wildlife river smoke hut kalahari lake nature Natural World Heritage préservation preserve wild tourism herd elephant

Elephants and buffalos in Lynianti river, huts and savanna landscape.The Okavango Delta in Botswana is a very large, swampy inland delta formed where the Okavango River. All the water reaching the Delta is ultimately evaporated and transpired, and does not flow into any sea or ocean. Each year approximately 11 cubic kilometers of water spreads over the 6,000-15,000 km2 area. Some flood-waters drain into Lake Ngami. The Moremi Game Reserve, a National Park, is on the eastern side of the Delta.