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Navigating on the river

Tonle Sap Siem Reap Cambodia

Collection Yann Arthus-Bertrand

compulsory mention in the credits :
GoodPlanet / Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Aerialcollection

Format : HD 1920x1080

Reference : KH1212-HM001835

Keywords : Asia boat water house human lake lacustrine house stilt traditional traffic village village sur pilotis

Crafts come and go on the river. Tonlé sap is a hydrologic system of great importance to Cambodia, combining lake and river of the same name. The lake is the greatest freshwater lake of south-eastern Asia and ecologically speaking a site of the highest importance and a recognized UNESCO biosphere reserve since 1973. The lake is located in the center of Cambodia. Angkor historical site is located close to its north shore.